
Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2015

New videos to come

I'm thinking about making some new videos. Some of them are USB system review with Luna OS, similar to this videos: This videos were popular, so I think that you like them and I want to do more of them. But there are my problems, last time Luna OS wasn't working from USB and now I don't have any free USB, so it has to wait. Other video I will make is MacBook half year update. My second thoughts about my macbook air. Here are my first thoughts: What do you think I should make? Share in comments

i'm watching Bond

I've seen new Bond movie and I really like it. If you haven't seen it already it's worth seeing.

Samochód bez kół

Wymieniam opony w samochodzie, sprzątamy groby i gramy na Macu w Assassina.