Na ostatnim spotkaniu Jordanu byliśmy podzieleni na 3 grupy. Moja grupa szykowała zmienne części liturgii na Niedziele Palmową - napisaliśmy komentarz przed mszą i modlitwę powszechną. Później spotkanie zakończyliśmy Maszą Świętą.
Hi all of you! So nice to see you again! Today I’d like to tell you about my exam experience or maybe even more about my problem I have with exams. So where to begin… I’m now going through my exams time. For every each one I’d been studying for for a long time. Now I can’t even look at my notes, books etc. because I have enough of looking at it. With some I have something like this: When I look at notes I remember everything and it’s really obvious for me but when I don’t look I remember nothing. Happily in most cases even while I’m not looking I remember everything. But then when it comes to exam day it isn’t so great. Sometimes during exam I really can’t write anything. I know that five minutes ago I’ve remembered everything and I’ve been able to talk about this thing, that is in question, for five minutes or even more. But then, being there is making me forget everything. Second thing that is happening is when I can’t say what I was asked to write about. Questions often are not p...
I'm thinking about making some new videos. Some of them are USB system review with Luna OS, similar to this videos: This videos were popular, so I think that you like them and I want to do more of them. But there are my problems, last time Luna OS wasn't working from USB and now I don't have any free USB, so it has to wait. Other video I will make is MacBook half year update. My second thoughts about my macbook air. Here are my first thoughts: What do you think I should make? Share in comments
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